The Complete Essay Editing Checklist for College Students
Essay writing in college is part and parcel of being in school. But the success of your essay will not rely only on the writing; other post-writing activities play essential roles. They include editing and revising your essay before submission.
Why it’s important to know how to revise and edit an essay
A well-written and carefully edited essay improves the quality of your work and earns you more points. The editing stage is vital because it allows students to assess their work carefully, fishing out errors to ensure better results. Given that, every student should consider using an essay editing checklist.
The essay editing checklist is a set of suggestions and statements that guides students in making corrections to their already-written essays. If you’re finding it challenging editing your essay, seek essay editing services. However, this article focuses on outlining helpful tips for college essay editing.
How to edit a college essay to avoid errors
Every student’s goal should be to write a better essay than the last time. Improving your essay writing abilities is one of the ways to improve your academics. The truth is that your essay writing and editing skills will always stay relevant even after college. That extra 10-30 minutes or an hour spent on editing will refine the quality of your work entirely.
Below are some tips on how to successfully edit your essay. Always bear these tips in mind whenever you’re editing any essay:
- Take breaks before editing
After writing an essay, always try to leave it out sometime before returning to start the editing process. Take breaks, distance yourself from the essay, and return to approach it from a fresh perspective. Editing after writing hinders your ability to see specific errors because you’re still close to what you’ve written.
- Check the structure of your essay
Every piece of writing starts with a writer’s perspective or the suggested perspective. In college, essay assignments are given with briefs. It means you’re required to approach your writing from the perspective contained in the brief.
When editing, pay attention to the structure of your essay. Find out if the points you’ve made help build the work’s overarching message and shape. You can organize your thoughts accordingly to convey clear and robust meaning through editing.
- Remove long sentences & paragraphs
Long sentences and paragraphs make a work difficult to read. When editing, try to break down the sentences into shorter sentences. Use this sentence and paragraph cutting tip: your sentence shouldn’t be longer than 20 words; paragraphs should not exceed four sentences.
- Watch out for repeated points
It’s common to repeat or paraphrase an idea when writing. When you’re editing, please pay attention to points and ideas that have been paraphrased, and cut them out. Also, look out for places where you’ve overstretched a point, modify it and make it easily digestible and not dull.
- Use different types of spell-checking
Today, many spell-checking devices will help you polish your essay. But, do not rely solely on them. An algorithm only powers spell checks so that it won’t highlight every typo and error. While using spell checks, also use your dictionary and review words and sentences yourself.
Editing checklist for writing college essays
When editing an essay, every editor focuses on the basics of grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and formatting. A checklist makes remembering the critical areas to do the weaning and pruning easier. Below is a student editing checklist to carry along while editing.
- Capitalization
- Every word that begins a sentence should be in a capital letter
- “I” should always be in capital letters regardless of where it occurs in a sentence
- All proper nouns must start with a capital letter e.g. a person’s name or the name of a place.
- Paper headings should be capitalized following the required writing format
- Punctuation
- Use commas to set off items listed in series.
- Place a comma before all conjunctions in compound sentences
- End all sentences with the correct punctuation mark – end questions with question marks, normal sentences with period.
- Grammar
- All Subjects and verbs must agree in a sentence – this ensures your sentence makes sense.
- Use apostrophes to mark contractions or signify possession(except when it’s a possessive pronoun)
- Format
- Your essay should have the introduction, body, and conclusion separated
- Introduce new paragraphs for new ideas
- Use quotation marks for direct quotes
Editing takes your work from 70 to 100 percent, changing the outlook and rendering of any essay. Always rely on revising and editing checklists to edit your college essays.