dci-is.org http://www.dci-is.org essay writing guides Thu, 25 Aug 2022 16:39:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://www.dci-is.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/1091/2022/08/fav.png dci-is.org http://www.dci-is.org 32 32 How to Write a Causal Analysis Essay + 20 Great Topic Ideas http://www.dci-is.org/causal-essay-topics.html http://www.dci-is.org/causal-essay-topics.html#respond Thu, 25 Aug 2022 16:22:25 +0000 http://www.dci-is.org/?p=43 As a student, you’ll encounter different types of essays in school. As you progress through your academic years, newer types will be introduced. One of them is the causal analysis essay. This essay involves relating an outcome to an occurrence and determining how they correlate. You must identify causes and effects and analyze their connection while giving details.

Writing a causal analysis essay might seem challenging, but they’re essential in helping students develop their critical analysis strengths. It allows you to think outside the box and develop solid solutions to an issue using creative means. In this article, we will be discussing guides on writing an effective causal essay.

What is a causal essay?

Primarily, a causal essay is a cause-and-effect essay. It studies the causal relationship between two or more actions, events, and phenomena. It’s investigative writing that tries to pinpoint any event’s reasons or consequences.

How to start a causal analysis essay for college students

In every causal essay, one thing remains constant—consideration of the topic and structure of the essay. A causal essay has its peculiar structure, and following it helps to build your point, making it more apparent to readers. However, it can be challenging to realize how to start your causal essay. Follow this process each time you’re writing one.

  1. Focus on the topic

Every causal essay begins with the writer being given a solid topic to ponder upon. Attention should be on the topic at hand; this will help you contemplate it and develop your points.

Always return to the given topic when it seems you’re deviating. The essence of topics is to help structure the points of the writer. Also, depending on the causal topic you’re working on, it might require you to choose a stance.

  1. Develop and organize points with paragraphs

For easy reading and understanding of your essay, stick to using paragraphs for breakdown. When your points are merged, it gives readers a hard time flowing with your essay. It also makes it difficult to derive meaning from what you’ve written.

Draft a causal analysis essay outline, and use it for highlighting and breaking down points. Then, fit those points into different paragraphs, starting from the most relevant points. Link all points

Writing a causal essay aims to help a reader make connections on a given topic. All sentences and paragraphs are to be linked to convey your final response. So, when writing, ensure you don’t leave any careless links.

Linking is essential in essay writing; it’s even more critical in causal essays because it’s through this link the meaning and results are derived.

  1. Deal only with facts

The points you’re developing in your essay should be based on facts. Causal essays are not imaginative writing. They require that the writer describes and links the correlation between two separate events using facts.

  1. Backup facts with evidence

When you’ve developed your points based on points, ensure you also give specific details backed up with solid evidence. Avoid being vague when making the connections; combine your facts with proven evidence to buttress all points.

Causal argument essay topics

A causal argument takes a stance. It focuses on how a phenomenon has caused or has resulted in some particular results. Causal argument essays are not interested in playing out all the cards or looking at complexities. Causal argument ideas aim to prioritize only the result of an event without complicating it. Here are some examples of causal analysis essay topic ideas.

Interesting causal analysis topics

  1. How is social media impacting the grades of school students?
  2. Why is cyberbullying a significant issue in today’s society?
  3. How does the lack of work-based healthcare insurance impact low-income earners?
  4. How does technology impact human attention span?
  5. How are tech salaries impacting students’ career paths today?
  6. How does misinformation on the internet affect knowledge?

Best causal argument essay topics

  1. Does social media have a substantial effect on political decisions?
  2. How does an internet ban infringe on freedom of speech?
  3. How did Covid-19 impact the global economy?
  4. How is the growth of cryptocurrencies impacting financial institutions?
  5. What are the positive aspects of social media activism?
  6. What are the consistent causes of fat shaming?
  7. What are the pros and cons of homework?
  8. Is going to college a sure path to success?
  9. Do school uniforms have a positive effect on students’ social and academic performance?

Causal argument topics for college students

  1. What are the prevailing causes of climate change and global warming? How?
  2. Does community extend one’s lifespan?
  3. Does Veganism Help society?
  4. How do eco-friendly activities help global warming?
  5. Does e-learning have better results than traditional learning?


Causal essays are essential for exploring various angles of a given topic. While they might seem complicated for students, following the listed tips will help you compose excellent essays.

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Pro Tips on How to Write an AP Essay & Score High http://www.dci-is.org/ap-essays.html http://www.dci-is.org/ap-essays.html#respond Thu, 25 Aug 2022 16:22:07 +0000 http://www.dci-is.org/?p=44 Of all the AP courses, the AP language essay is considered moderately complex by students.

Records show that the pass rate is usually lower than in other courses. Yet, the AP language is widely taken and hugely recommended for intending college students. As a high school student, developing knowledge in your AP English class will help you in many ways in college.

Practice makes perfect, so taking AP English classes will boost your writing strengths. Knowledge acquired through the class will also help you prepare to write your AP English essay tests and exams. However, studying AP English is time-intensive, considering how technical the exams can be.

Given that, students need to write and grade themselves on AP essays as tests before the exam. To guide you, use the below AP lang tips as guides for practice. It will help you build your writing strengths, learn from your errors and improve your AP lang exam abilities.

How to write an AP essay for good grades in exam

Writing the essay part of your AP language might seem challenging, but having some writing tips at your disposal makes all the difference. The AP English Lang essay contains three essay prompts: a synthesis essay, a rhetorical essay, and an argumentative essay. The essay you’ll write in each of these will follow the specific AP essay format crafted for it.

Each year, the college board provides AP teachers with the recommended syllabus for the AP English Language & Composition course. Therefore, the essays you’re required to write in your exam must follow the AP-style essay format taught in your AP class. Below are tips to help you when writing your AP lang essay.

1. Respond directly to the essay topic

Depending on the topic that has been chosen for you, make sure your response doesn’t deviate from it. Your response should follow the topic; else, the board will mark you down during the assessment.

To master how to tackle this area, read through as many AP essay examples as possible. They will help you understand how to tweak your responses to fit the topic.

2. Make your writing effective

The purpose of every AP essay exam is to test your writing abilities. One main characteristic of a good writer is the effectiveness of their writing. Use the following effective writing tools:

  • Raise essential points in your essay
  • Be concise
  • Write from a given perspective
  • Avoid grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3. Pick a side of the argument

This is mainly for the argumentative essay part. When writing it, pick one side of the debate and tailor your writing around it. To solidify the part you’ve chosen, provide evidence and create a solid thesis to match your argument.

4. Use rhetorical devices

Use rhetorical devices like figurative language and rhetorical questions to develop your essay. This applies to the rhetorical aspect of the AP essay. There are several rhetorical devices in literature; incorporate them into the body of your essay.

Using rhetorical devices lets you maintain the AP lang essay format and beautifies your work.

5. Craft strong essays

Regardless of the essay’s time limit, always construct strong essays that immediately capture the reader’s attention. When the examiner flows while reading your essay, it gives you a chance to earn more points. It’s a winning point most students don’t realize.

6. Use the five-paragraph essay structure

The five-paragraph rule is a basic essay structure that helps writers with the necessary elements to create outstanding essays. Study how to build the body paragraphs, maintain the reader’s focus, make good transitions between paragraphs, and create an effective conclusion. Practice including the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

7. Improve your sentence structure

Your sentence structure determines the flow and quality of your work. Study how to build proper sentence structures to help you in your AP essay. Learn to successfully detect and avoid misplaced modifiers, sentence fragments, and the passive voice.

8. Write logical sentences and avoid faulty comparisons

It’s possible to make incorrect comparisons when writing. When misused, your essay becomes faulty. Study how to write logical sentences that convey ideas without making comparison errors that ruin the quality of your work.

9. Practice consistently

Consistent practice is the only way to master these AP literature essay tips. As earlier said, AP lang is time-intensive; devote time to repeatedly studying to enable you to gain better grades.


Remember that no external materials are allowed when writing your AP essay exam. Practicing these tips will allow you time to make errors and correct yourself before the exam.

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The Complete Essay Editing Checklist for College Students http://www.dci-is.org/essay-editing-checklist.html http://www.dci-is.org/essay-editing-checklist.html#respond Tue, 16 Aug 2022 06:46:10 +0000 http://www.dci-is.org/?p=27 Essay writing in college is part and parcel of being in school. But the success of your essay will not rely only on the writing; other post-writing activities play essential roles. They include editing and revising your essay before submission.

Why it’s important to know how to revise and edit an essay

A well-written and carefully edited essay improves the quality of your work and earns you more points. The editing stage is vital because it allows students to assess their work carefully, fishing out errors to ensure better results. Given that, every student should consider using an essay editing checklist.

The essay editing checklist is a set of suggestions and statements that guides students in making corrections to their already-written essays. If you’re finding it challenging editing your essay, seek essay editing services. However, this article focuses on outlining helpful tips for college essay editing.

How to edit a college essay to avoid errors

Every student’s goal should be to write a better essay than the last time. Improving your essay writing abilities is one of the ways to improve your academics. The truth is that your essay writing and editing skills will always stay relevant even after college. That extra 10-30 minutes or an hour spent on editing will refine the quality of your work entirely.

Below are some tips on how to successfully edit your essay. Always bear these tips in mind whenever you’re editing any essay:

  1. Take breaks before editing

After writing an essay, always try to leave it out sometime before returning to start the editing process. Take breaks, distance yourself from the essay, and return to approach it from a fresh perspective. Editing after writing hinders your ability to see specific errors because you’re still close to what you’ve written.

  1. Check the structure of your essay

Every piece of writing starts with a writer’s perspective or the suggested perspective. In college, essay assignments are given with briefs. It means you’re required to approach your writing from the perspective contained in the brief.

When editing, pay attention to the structure of your essay. Find out if the points you’ve made help build the work’s overarching message and shape. You can organize your thoughts accordingly to convey clear and robust meaning through editing.

  1. Remove long sentences & paragraphs

Long sentences and paragraphs make a work difficult to read. When editing, try to break down the sentences into shorter sentences. Use this sentence and paragraph cutting tip: your sentence shouldn’t be longer than 20 words; paragraphs should not exceed four sentences.

  1. Watch out for repeated points

It’s common to repeat or paraphrase an idea when writing. When you’re editing, please pay attention to points and ideas that have been paraphrased, and cut them out. Also, look out for places where you’ve overstretched a point, modify it and make it easily digestible and not dull.

  1. Use different types of spell-checking

Today, many spell-checking devices will help you polish your essay. But, do not rely solely on them. An algorithm only powers spell checks so that it won’t highlight every typo and error. While using spell checks, also use your dictionary and review words and sentences yourself.

Editing checklist for writing college essays

When editing an essay, every editor focuses on the basics of grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and formatting. A checklist makes remembering the critical areas to do the weaning and pruning easier. Below is a student editing checklist to carry along while editing.

  1. Capitalization
  • Every word that begins a sentence should be in a capital letter
  • “I” should always be in capital letters regardless of where it occurs in a sentence
  • All proper nouns must start with a capital letter e.g. a person’s name or the name of a place.
  • Paper headings should be capitalized following the required writing format
  1. Punctuation
  • Use commas to set off items listed in series.
  • Place a comma before all conjunctions in compound sentences
  • End all sentences with the correct punctuation mark – end questions with question marks, normal sentences with period.
  1. Grammar
  • All Subjects and verbs must agree in a sentence – this ensures your sentence makes sense.
  • Use apostrophes to mark contractions or signify possession(except when it’s a possessive pronoun)
  1. Format
  • Your essay should have the introduction, body, and conclusion separated
  • Introduce new paragraphs for new ideas
  • Use quotation marks for direct quotes


Editing takes your work from 70 to 100 percent, changing the outlook and rendering of any essay. Always rely on revising and editing checklists to edit your college essays.

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Top 10 Basics of Academic Essay Writing http://www.dci-is.org/academic-essay-basics.html http://www.dci-is.org/academic-essay-basics.html#respond Tue, 16 Aug 2022 06:45:29 +0000 http://www.dci-is.org/?p=25 Anyone can learn to write an academic essay if they start with a few basic essay-writing guidelines. Academic essays are founded on a strong yet arguable premise, backed by relevant and reliable evidence, and concluded with a concise and complete discussion statement.

By going back to basics and following the best techniques to write these essays, you can generate meaningful, compelling pieces even when you’re short on time. If you’re lost on how to create an academic essay and need some fundamental guidelines, you’re in the right post.

This article presents 10 basic ideas to aid the academic writing process and some steps along the way.

Writing an academic essay: how to start one

The thesis statement is the core of every successful academic essay. Typically, there are several effective ways to begin an essay, but few writers offer their important points right away, and you should do the same when writing your essay. Do not mix your thesis and your first sentence.

After you’ve written your thesis, you may start working on your essay. This development process will incorporate your essay’s primary supporting ideas, which will create its body. Besides having a properly structured body of ideas, essays should also have a meaningful and appealing opening and conclusion.

Why is essay writing important?

Essay writing is important for several reasons. It gives you experience in the use of English grammar and punctuation. In addition, it teaches concentration, creativity skills, and more.

Students learn important writing skills through the completion of several essays. Since the essay format for university and high school is different, writing essays at the high school level can prepare students for more gruelling writing tasks like term papers, theses, and dissertations.

Writing improves concentration and creativity by teaching students to convey information without ambiguity. Helping them organise their thoughts enables them to seek solutions to problems and undertake more tasks properly.

Academic essays format: the general structure

If you have any experience writing essays, you probably know an academic essay requires the following:

  • an introduction,
  • a body of relating information,
  • a conclusion that condenses the evidence and main points you’ve provided.

But how can you use this basic format and make your essay stand out from the rest and what are the steps to write an essay? You’ll need some fundamental tips, which we’re getting into next.

Top 10 fundamentals of academic essay writing

If you’re wondering “what does an essay consist of” or what are the basic things I need to do to start my essay, pay attention. Below, we provide 10 basic tips and guidelines for academic essay writing:

  1. Research first, write second

If you concentrate on studying your topic while writing, you will most likely produce work that lacks concentration and order. Consider research at a distinct stage, and allow yourself enough time to obtain information from numerous sources. When you’re ready to write, you’ll have more than enough information.

  1. Develop a thesis statement

Even if some essays do not require one, write one. A thesis statement is a pointer indicating the direction your work should go. A precise thesis statement offers a good roadmap for your essay.

  1. Plan, outline, and organise

It is best to start with a draft to get a hold of your thoughts. It gives your academic essay writing structure and clarity. If you aren’t familiar with typical outlining strategies, learn them or look into alternate methods of organisation.

  1. All of your assertions must be supported

It’s not enough to assert, “The Sky is blue,” in an academic article. You must have credible proof to back up your claims. All your claims should be backed up by accurate evidence.

  1. Stay clear of irrelevant details

Before you begin, review your information sources and underline the key evidence to support your argument. Leave out information if it doesn’t support your main point.

  1. Use simple language and avoid jargon

Academic essays examine complicated concepts and material, but this does not imply that your writing must be complex. Write to educate, not to impress.

  1. Assume your audience is unfamiliar with your essay topic

You should have a broad understanding of your topic and its main points by the time you sit down to write. Remember that your audience may not have seen or read the same research, so ensure to cover all the fundamentals.

  1. Cite accurately

Always ensure that your supporting evidence is properly cited using the relevant style manual like APA, MLA, and others. Inappropriate citations make your work appear sloppy and untrustworthy.

  1. Revise and proofread

Never, ever submit your first draft. There’s a reason it’s called a first draft, and that’s because there’s a major room for improvement. Read your work for off-topic content, grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, and make any necessary edits before submitting.

  1. Get feedback

Before you turn in the final draft of your essay, get it reviewed by someone you trust. A neutral reader can easily spot errors you overlooked and find locations where more information is required. You can get an example academic essay from credible writing sites and other platforms on the Internet.


Academic essay writing can be difficult for some, but by covering the basics, you can avoid silly mistakes or decisions that slow you down. Always do extensive research, have a plan, understand the format and look to essay examples to guide your writing. With all these, you should be set to get your essay going.

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