Best Ways to Start an Essay: 15 Interesting Hints

Writing an essay or any other literary work comes with its challenges. But one of the first and most important obstacles to vanquish is introductions. Introductions are how you begin your essay, and they can make or break your entire work.

You may have done the hard parts, like getting an outline ready and doing extensive research, but struggle to get the writing train going. Don’t worry; you aren’t bad at essay writing. You just need some tips and a bit of practice – everyone does at the beginning.

That’s why in this article, we explore how to start off an essay and the best ways to do so. We’ll also offer you useful pointers and outline 15 interesting hints to get you going in no time.

Beginning an essay: ideas on how to start an essay

Writing an essay differs from writing a novel, a research paper, or a journal. Essay writing is a distinct process that requires precise structures, the use of credible sources, and the use of compelling language. However, it is similar to all other types of writing: you must capture your reader’s attention and hold on to it, beginning within the first few sentences.

Writing a strong essay introduction is necessary because it’s the first impression you make on your professor, and it will influence their grading decision. However, you need to maintain the same energy as your essay’s body with your introduction. A strong introduction with good ideas doesn’t necessarily guarantee an impressive body of work all-around.

If anything, having a superb introduction gives you a greater responsibility to follow up with a disserving body of work. Good introductions work to reveal weak writings in the body when it doesn’t live up to their first few sentences. Furthermore, when learning the different ways to start an essay, it is important to focus on structure and application. Both should work hand-in-hand to reveal and explore the main focus of your essay.

Good ways to start an essay: 15 useful tips

Now let’s get to the good part. What tips can help you figure out the best ways to start an essay? These tips focus on providing a standard structure for writing introductions and how to retain a reader’s attention. There are several ways to write an essay, and each best suits different essay types.

Below, we outline 15 useful hints on how to start an essay:

1. Read the essay assignment

Be certain that you have read and understand the essay topic that you are writing. Your introduction can only be well-written when it follows essay instructions.

2. Learn the grading metric

Not all essays come with a grading style, but if your essay has a metric that your teacher will use to grade you, be sure to review it extensively. It can serve as a roadmap to your essay and help provide a better start to it.

3. Pick the right tone for your essay

It would be best if you did not begin a serious essay with a humorous quote or vice versa. Similarly, some hooks in your introductions aren’t meant for specific essays. Learn the right tone to maximise your introduction quality.

4. Share a surprising fact

Start your essay with a stunning, unexpected, or hilarious fact regarding the subject matter. This piques the reader’s interest and makes them want to read on, anticipating clarification, context, and elaboration on the information you began with.

5. Pose a query

By posing a question in the first paragraph of your essay, you are immediately encouraging the reader to participate in your work and become engaged.

6. Begin with a dramatic scenario

This works best with creative writings such as personal statements and literary essays. Explaining a scene naturally attracts attention.

7. Begin with a quotation

Using a popular quote can be an excellent hook for an essay.

8. Directly state your thesis

The simplest type of essay opening is one in which you dive straight into the topic.

9. Work backward when you’re blank

If you find yourself so caught up on how to write an essay introduction that you’re staring at a blank screen, skip the introduction and start your essay’s body. Afterward, you can work your way back up to write a better introduction.

10. Create your reference list

After you’ve started your research, create a reference list by picking the sources you’ll need the most. This provides you with extra content to begin your essay.

11. Create an outline before you begin

A superb outline is one of the finest methods of a good essay. It allows you to write quicker and build introductory thoughts before you begin.

12. Write while your mind is clear

Most students try to write their papers late at night after finishing other assignments – when they are tired and unable to concentrate clearly. Choose a moment when you are fresh and refreshed to start your essay.

13. Save the intro for last

We previously spoke about working backward, but you can outrightly begin with the body of the paper, then conjure up a good introduction afterward. Saving your intro for last helps tailor your essay to your body and conclusion.

14. Remember your transitions

Learn to use transitions during your introduction to show your reader how each section of your essay relates to one another.

15. Consider professional help

If you still struggle after these tips, getting professional help can be the best way to learn how to start your essay properly.


With these hints, we hope you can learn to begin essays easily and create a perfect essay from scratch. Good luck!